Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Headphone recommendation iPhone 4

Apple iPhone - Headphone recommendation iPhone 4

I'm having a heck a time finding a quality set of headphones with an inline microphone and phone/music controls.

I would like the audio to be of a good enough quality for listening to a wide range of music. Audiophile quality is not necessary, but tiny, tinny speakers are not cutting it.

Speaker quality has not proven to be the biggest challenge, though. After trying five different sets of headphones, each one of them had the same problem--the mic is too low on the wire, too far away from my mouth/jaw for it to pick up my speech well. For the person on the other end to hear clearly, I have to either put my chin to my chest or hold the mic to my mouth, obviously defeating the handsfree intent.

I was trying to stay relatively inexpensive but am willing to entertain more costly solutions if it means good headphones with a useful mic. Wireless or wired.

iPhone Headphone
The Best choice Apple iPhone Headphone
Look for Plantronics 855 / 900 series, Jawbone Icon, or Blueant bluetooth headsets - just make sure they have A2DP stereo (preferably with AVRCP controls) as well as Handsfree/Headset profiles - you can use them for both phone calls (microphone right by your mouth) and listening to audio.

In my opinion, the Apple ear buds that come with the iPhone 4 seam to meet all your requirements. It's all I use.

The Scosche IDR655m have done very well in reviews.

This brand is new to me but they seem to make quite a few accessories worth looking at.

I recommend the ZAGG Smartbuds.

me too - I bought a pair recently and love them!

This is an area where you get what you pay for. The only sub-$50 earbuds I've found that sounded decent were from Sony, but they are earbuds only, no mic and no controls. I have not found a phone set from them. Note that I'm only talking about wired sets, I have had generally lousy results of one form or another from BT headsets.

Then you are looking for something that costs at least $50. How much more than that depends on how good you want the sound.

Do you care about bulk? One of my wired headsets is from Shure, I don't recall the model number but I got it via Apple. Great sound, both in and apparently out (out, at least with my Blackberry anyway), inline controls and mic on one of the earphone wires positioned so it's just below my chin and it has a clothing clip to keep it in position. However, because the control block is rather large (for the headphone type) it doesn't wrap small enough to fit in the pocket I want to carry my headset in. So I only use it at home.

For a more portable unit, I have one of the less expensive VModas, with the rubberized wires. It doesn't sound quite as good and sometimes the other end has problems hearing me, but it does wrap up nicely. I previously had a VModa Vibe II, with the cloth wrapped wires. That one sounded good in and out with my old iPhone, but didn't physically last because the wires are poorly designed: the cloth wrapping frayed and came apart at the jack, exposing the wires underneath.

Better sound in than the VModa is Kipslich (sp?). However, I have no idea how its mic is, as I've only used it with an iTouch. The control/mic block is at the Y split which dangles against my chest.

Check out skullcandy I like the sound it's portable & costs around $50

Go to best but and buy the black Sony ones that look like the origionall apple ones $32. They are louder and better. The volume up/down does not work on my 3g. I picked up a spare set just the other day and noticed they have a ear bud style also but I prefer the style that won't fall out of my ear. I use them 12 hours a day.

I use the Scosche IDR655m and I love 'em.

The in-line mic is high on the cable and the controls are easy to use.

I've tried lots of earbud types and these seem to meet my needs currently -- good sound and easy to use for phone or music.

List is about $100 but I think you can find them for less.

The Zagg smart earbuds with microphone are selling for $37.00 on Amazon as of now (12:09 pm 11/17/2010 ).

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