Monday, November 1, 2010


Apple iPhone - HTML5?

I thought Apple was pushing HTML5 as superior to Flash, yet I received a "not equipped for HTML5" error message from a website. What gives? (3GS iPhone running iOS 4.1)

Apple iPhone iOS 4.2
The website has to support it.

Probably - the web site has flash content, and if Safari asked for html5 somehow, it had a message on the site about not supporting html5.

I have the free Opera application on my iPhone in case Safari has problems with a web site - chances are Opera will display it properly. Unfortunately - or fortunately - most web sites are only written for Internet Explorer and other browsers like Safari and Opera are an afterthought if support is done for them as well. But Opera does display some that Safari does not (and vice versa).

Ah. "Not equipped for HTML5" referred to their own site rather than to my browser. Never would have occurred to me that they were talking about themselves.

I'll have to search the app store for Opera.

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