Monday, November 29, 2010

Bad apps!

Apple iPhone - Bad apps!

I spent 10 min rearranging all my aps. Then I did a synch and it put them all back where they were before.

Any tips? iPhone 3Gs with PC Vista

iPhone Apps
What happen with your Apple iPhone Apps
Use iTunes to organize them, then sync. Click on apps under the device (where you click which ones to sync ) and use the right hand column to do it.

Works fine

Try using iTunes to rearrange. Although I find it harder.

iTunes is acting weird with apps lately.

My Dad's iPhone apps (purchased on the iPhone) are all gone after I synced it with his Mac.

And I couldn't transfer them to iTunes either.

Couldn't download any app too. Cites permission problem.

What if you don't sync your apps? I mean what if you just download them straight to your phone. Without backing them up on the computer.

You may do that always.. The apps work well..

But when you connect your iphone to your computer via itunes, the phone will be sync all your apps from your phone to your computer as its first task....

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