Friday, July 1, 2011

iPhone, iPad on Same Computer

Greetings all, Can an iPhone and iPad share the same computer, yet have seperate
applications and music? Can they also share apps?

Apple iPhone ipad computerApple iPhone ipad computer

Yes they can.

While the default is everything on all devices, by selecting an attached device and then it's tabs, you can set exactly what apps, music, fotos, movies, etc. are sync'ed to it.

Requires little effort.

It just works.


I have a friend with the exact same "problem." Her nine-year-old son has an iPod Touch, and she has an iPad. She is not too technological, but wants to make sure her music playlists stay on the iPad, and not the iTouch and he keeps his Scooby Doo videos on the Touch, and not her iPad. :)

So, if there are some key points, things to do on this etc., that would be very helpful.


Yes, you can have several iP* devices on the same computer, sharing the same iTunes account &/or library.

They can share any apps, music, books, videos, etc. that you want (as long as the particular iP* can handle the item) or they can have all different, or a mix, or whatever. In order to share items they have to use the same iTunes library. To share iStore items they have to be on the same account. (this is probably clear as mud....)

When you go to set up a new device, give it a name that you'll know which it is (I have two iTouches of different generations, two old iPods of different types, an iPad & an iPhone -- so far!). Then go through all the tabs & choose what to put on it. I vary what goes on each device by what I use it for (& of course what it will take.)

And none of the choices is set in concrete -- you can change any of them on the next sync if you want, & keep tweaking until you get things just the way you want.

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