Tuesday, July 5, 2011

iPhone, iOS 5 date

Does anyone have a iOS 5 date or is it available to us yet(non-developers).

Apple iPhone iOSApple iPhone iOS

All they have said is "Fall" - my guess would be the third week in September probably 16th or 19th.


Nope - Lion (OS X 10.7 is July) - iOS 5 will have 3-4 more betas at 2-3 weeks apart so at least 3 months...


In July is all I recall. I am running iOS 5 beta 2 as a developer and it's by no means ready for prime time.


Nope that is Lion that is coming out in July - iOS they only said "Fall" it will ship a couple days before (and on) the 5th Gen iPhone 5 (and likely 5th Gen iPod Touch) which should be around the third Friday in September which in past years was the annual Music Event / iPod Announcement and they pushed this year back so that 5th Gen iPhone will be out for the holiday quarter.


iPhone update is in the fall, Mac OS update is this month sometime


Is it still a strong indication that the new iPhone 5 will be out around the same time?



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