Monday, December 6, 2010

Number blocking

Apple iPhone - Number blocking

Can you block a number from calling? If so, how do you do that?? I have 3GS.

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Unfortunately no... You can set that number up with a silent ringtone and pretend you don't see your phone light up, but there is no way to just block the number, or send it to oblivion.

Well I take that back, you can get terribly complicated, send all of your calls through Google voice and let it block numbers for you and I had to go there once. It wasn't pretty, but it worked.

The iPhone has no method for doing this except for selecting a silent ring tone for that particular contact.

I would love to be able to do this. The Droid does have this ability. Someone made up a number to a credit card company and it is mine. I do not have that credit card and no matter how often I told them they still called. I finally had to write the CEO and his assistant finally stopped the calls. But it would have been so much easier to just block them.

You can download a free app called YouMail and you can designate certain numbers to receive a message that says your number has been disconnected.

If you're AT&T, there's "Smart Limits" that lets you list numbers to block calls/texts. It's more of a parental control thing, but does block numbers. It's an extra $5 a month, or something like that.

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