Friday, December 24, 2010

Greetings Fellow iPhone Users!

Apple iPhone - Greetings Fellow iPhone Users! Please allow me to introduce myself.

An App Creator says... I am an iPhone app creator. So far, I have created two excellent iPhone apps. One of them has already been accepted and is Available in the iPhone store now. It's called "Real CID" (learn more at: Real CID enables you to look up the actual Caller ID Name for any telephone number in the US or Canada. It's as if that person is calling you on your land-line, and it shows up on your Caller ID device.

If you're using a cell phone, you already know that all you get is the telephone number of the person calling you. If you have them in your Contacts, then their name will pop up. But, if you don't, you won't know who's calling you.

The reason I joined this group is to learn more about the needs iPhone users have, so maybe I can help create the applications you want, that are not out there yet.

Also, many times I can help with cell phone troubleshooting, because I've had 35 years experience working with the North American telephone network. A lot of times, the problem is not the iPhone (or other cell phone), but the network.

iPhone Apps
Creator of Apple iPhone Apps
Glad to see you here and Im new to this list too.

I got my 1st iphone few weeks back and I miss few things I had on my old Nokia phones:

- Call recorder (automatic or manual)
- Answering machine
- a standby clock/date on the screen (those without LCD backlight to save on battery)
- A standby missing call/sms warning (again without LCD backlight)

I would love to have this apps available.

I guess that all this have not been developed yet due to the iphone limitations (multitasking, lcd type etc...)

Those are all available, most are already on the phone and for free. Read the manual.

There are call recorders available in the App Store, and the phone comes with Voice Memo, which may be able to record a call. (It is illegal in the US to record calls in some circumstances.)

Answering machine is already on the phone as Voicemail, but may be dependent on your service provider, and since you appear to be in Brazil, I have no knowledge of them.

Standby clock/date is available by one touch of the home button when the phone has gone to sleep. depending upon your settings, the phone goes back to sleep when not needed.

Standby missing call/sms warning. If the phone is on you can get an audio notification or not, your choice. If you are away from the phone, the first time you awaken it, you will have badge notification on the various App icons. If the phone is off, then your service provider is the one that has to hold them.

If the back light is out, but the phone is still in awake mode, it is not saving as much energy as if it were in sleep mode. In sleep mode it "hears" or awakens on incoming info, but it is not providing power to constantly draw the screen. Yes, back lighting uses power, but if you don't draw the screen you save more power. Just set the sleep timer to a shorter period if you want more conservation. And there are lots of list on the web on how to save more power on the iPhone. (Drawing the screen when the back light is off is not a feature, but a bug that wastes battery time.)

Sounds like you need to give the manual a quick read, and do a couple of searches on the web.

(Saying "read the manual" may not be very Apple-like, but sometimes it is needed to find those little extra features or options. And a working knowledge of the OS vocabulary when changing brands of computers or cell phones helps, too. A quick scan of the manual helps there, too.)

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