Thursday, December 9, 2010

Edit html files in iDisk on iPhone

Apple iPhone - Edit html files in iDisk on iPhone

I am using iDisk/MobileMe to host a small personal website.

I would like to be able to edit on my iPhone the .html files that reside on my iDisk, but all the iPhone apps I have tried so far, that are capable of opening files that are on an iDisk, *renders* (like a web page) any .html file I attempt to open, rather than opening it as editable text.

There seem to be a few iPhone apps that will open .html files for editing that are on ftp servers, but I need an app that will open .html files for editing that are on iDisk.

Does anyone know of such an iPhone app?

iPhone Apps
Japanese hacked Apple iPhone Apps
ezShare Pro

I got it when it went on sale for a couple bucks, it's kinda pricy at $16 but it'll connect to virtually anything, including iDisk.

The editing is a tad convoluted as you connect to the source, copy down the file, go into the document store, edit the file, copy to clipboard and then paste it back to the source, but it works really well. I use it to do quick edits of my various websites through FTP.

EzShare Pro also supports VNC and Remote Desktop.

It's a really fantastic app for those on the go, but it is pricy without another sale.

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