Sunday, January 30, 2011

iTunes music to CD to iPhone?

Apple iPhone - iTunes music to CD to iPhone?

How do I burn iTunes music to a CD so I can get it on my iPhone some way.

iPhone iTunes
Apple iPhone iTunes
You put music on the iPhone (& iPod) by using iTunes. There is no reason to put in on CD first.

Just create a playlist, then "drag" that playlist to you iPhone.

No need to burn a CD to get your music from iTunes to the iPhone. When you connect your iPhone to your computer with iTunes running, either set the settings to sync all your music to the iPhone, or make a new playlist, and set that to sync to your iPhone.

If you make a playlist, then just drag the music you want to the playlist.

No CD involved.

Sorry, my wife did nit make her Question clear. what she wants to know is how to burn itunes to a CD.

So no need to mention iPhone in the subject line?

You burn playlists. Create a playlist and then use File > Burn Playlist to Disc. Playlists can be manual or "smart". You can burn the CD as CD format, MP3, or data. Make sure you use the format you want.

Or is the question: how do I burn all my iTunes to CD as a backup?

Create playlist then click file > burn playlist to disk

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