Monday, January 10, 2011


Apple iPhone - Tethering

I am getting the run around with AT&T. I want to tether my MacBook with my iPhone3G while I travel for two weeks in Colorado. I currently have the unlimited data package with AT&T. I called and they said that I would have to drop that datapackage and add the Tethering option instead! That doesnt' make sense.

Does anyone here have some experiences on this that they could share.

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
I think that information is correct. They won't offer you tethering if you have the unlimited plan. So I recommend you not lose the unlimited plan and instead find a way to use your mac using free wifi places like hotels, Panera Bread, McD's etc.

If/when tethering is important to you, I recommend going to AT&T's website, logging in to your account, and checking what your data usage has been for the past [however many] months.

If you find that, for example, you have never used more than 1 GB of data, then go ahead and tether.

If you find that you regularly use 2 GB or more, find another way.

That is what AT&T has said since the announcement of the new data plans.

That's incorrect , currently with the unlimited data plan you don't have an option to tether , they want you to drop the unlimited data plan and signed you up with the newer plans like the $25 for 2GB and additional data plan for tethering . BUT if you get rid of your unlimited plan they will not be able to put it back on when you come back (:

That's exactly what they told him above.
(i.e., NOT "incorrect")

What you describe is the only option you can take with AT&T.

That's not a "runaround" that's just an answer you don't like!

If you don't keep your "grandfathered" plan, you have to go with what they are *currently* offering. It's not a new or unusual practice. (I used to have an old cell-phone plan that the customer service people didn't even *recognize* it was so old! I think my mother still has one even older than that.)

I tried the same. And I would have to drop unlimited.

Not dropping unlimited

Correct, AT&T no longer offers the Unlimited Data Plan and to get tethering you have to give it up, pay the $25 for 2GB and an additional $20 for the ability to tether so you end up paying $45/mo for 2GB (total) instead of $30/mo for unlimited. That is the key reason I won't give up my AT&T iPhone as I would not be able to get my unlimited data plan back - luckily my Verizon Droid Incredible also has unlimited data and has a 3G Hot Spot built in....

Let me ask a question. What if you had tethering before the data change? When they were offering unlimited data plans. Is there a difference in the tehtering option then and now?

There was NO iPhone Tethering before they dropped the Unlimited plans.

Maybe directly from AT&T. MyWi 4.0 works great on my iPhone 4! :)

My grandson has a MacBok Pro, and has an iPhone through AT&T. He needed tethering and couldn't justify AT&T's high prices/limited resources and went to Sprint and got a tether dongle with unlimited data for $40.00/month.

Best of both worlds... now he has 3g on his MBP via Sprint's network for just over a buck-thirty a day!

AT&T did not offer tethering before the rate-plan change.


I was just asking to see if there was. I know having the unlimited data plan is like gold right now. Wasn't sure if there was a golden goose like that before everything changed.

As far as I know they didn't offer it before but some may have had it on like 3.1 but it was blocked with firmware updates.

I saw it on the radio!

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