Apple iPhone - Create another account for Itunes
I'm getting ready to purchase the iPhone when it comes to Verizon.
My daughter has used my mac for her iTune account for her iPod and then her iPod touch. So Does anyone know how I can create an account for my self separate from hers using iTunes? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
iPhone iTunes
Depending on how you two interact, Bonnie, you might want to set up a second User to protect & separate your data and her data. That way you don't need to log out of iTunes and re-enter each time. Just switch Users.
OK, now I have another issue. I tried setting up a new account only to find out the email I tried using was already there. A long with the one my daughter is using. So I couldn't remember the password, so I changed it, only to find out these two account are both contacted to her account. I can't find where I can delete it, and she's afraid if I do it will delete her songs and money she has on the account. I'm a bit lost now. Any suggestions?
there are several ways to do this, some of which depending on the OS / computers you use.
Do you use a Mac/OS X or Windows? Do you have separate computers or share the same computer?
First, she isn't going to lose anything - everything that has been purchased is stored on the computer, apps can be redownloaded at any time at no charge, music/movies/tv (due to the industries) can only be downloaded once but you can authorize, copy and play on up to 5 machines at any time (IE if you authorize 5 machines then get a new computer, you have to de-authorize one before authorizing the new one).
It sounds like you are sharing the same computer - If that is the case and want to keep libraries separate, ≈ - I would use David's suggestion and create a separate user account at the system level so when you log in, you only see your library and when she logs in she only sees her library.
If you don't want to use different system account and/or have separate computers, you can use the various features to recover your password on your e-mail address (aka iTunes ID aka Apple ID). Then log in to that account (Store Log in) then authorize the computer (Store > Authorize This Computer) and you can log in and out to make changes and maintain as necessary. This will also allow you to 'share' content on devices, meaning you can sync her music/apps/etc and she can sync yours.
If you have more than one computer, you definitely want to enable Home Sharing (Advanced > Turn On Home Sharing) - this will allow every computer to access every other computer's library on the network regardless of Apple ID as long as the computers are authorized and turned on.
I have a mac/os I think the problem is I had another account that was connected w/hers and couldn't remember the password so I had them reset it. And that's where the problem lays. We use the same computer, but I don't want the account to be shared, I'd like them to be separate, and at this point I can't seem to do that?
Sure you can - just create a new user account on the Mac > System Preferences > Accounts > + > Administrator - set this one up for you and once you get everything you want it in your 'new' account then you can go back and change hers to managed/parental controls, if you like (you never mentioned age, etc so if you want to manage her control of the machine, you can set it there).
When you turn on the computer from then each of you click on the corresponding account and if you have it set, enter the password. Each of you will have a folder in /Users/ for iTunes library as well as documents, etc and as setting the new account as administrator, you can still access the data that was under her (the current main) account if you want/need to.
I'm sorry to sound so confused, but are you talking the mac's system preferences or iTunes? I'm still unclear how do do this. I have two users id's, mine and hers that are attached to the same library, which has all her stuff. Can I break the two accounts up, or do I have to create a new account w/a new email address? This is my first time w/iTunes.
we are suggesting you create two Mac User accounts. If you follow above suggestion, go to
System Prefs (under the Apple menu) > Accounts
You can create a second User of your Mac. Both Users can be 'open' and once but only one is active (on your screen) at a time. You can easily switch between them using the drop down menu of Users at the top right of the screen in the menu bar.
When you switch to her account, the Mac accesses her files, her documents directory, iPhotos, iPunes items, etc. She can't see your directories or change them.
Similarly when you are in your account.
It's simply a way to create separate protected directories of ALL your items, including iTunes files.
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