Monday, January 10, 2011

iPhone Users: Will You Switch to Verizon?

Apple iPhone - iPhone Users: Will You Switch to Verizon?

I will never switch back to Verizon as I was unable to get a signal in my home.

Also the network speed is not as fast as AT&T.

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
Oh and with CDMA can you take a call and surf at the same time? I seem to recall that CDMA did not support simultaneous phone/data.

Technically no - most people don't notice though as the times they are using phone and talking at the same time they are on WiFi. I have a VZW Droid in addition to my AT&T iPhone and nearly all of my voice calls are done on it and I think twice I have tried to pull up a web page and realized it wouldn't load. However, the rumor is that Verizon is going to use data for calls on the iPhone so that it won't be an issue. We will know all tomorrow at 11am and the Apple earnings call is the following Tue 11/18 ;-).

I don't know about that but I do know that i mostly 90% I used both , it's something I couldn't live without especially that I'm using one phone only - not 2 , I'm just saying :)

I am staying with AT&T.

Verizon does not offer unlimited data plans.

I am staying with AT&T.
Verizon does not offer unlimited data plans.

One of the main reasons I am staying with AT&T is roll over minutes. I am surprised no one else offers that (that I know of, at least).

My iPhone 3GS will be ready to update in July or August. The majority of people I know are on Verizon. Those that aren't... have the iPhone.

For southern Indiana, I expect many people will switch. At least at this earl stage in the game.

Maybe it will be self-correcting? If enough people leave AT&T then it should help the network congestion problems. I don't have many issues with AT&T in the St. Louis area but understand it is highly regional.

I highly doubt Verizon will get the iphone5

I am going to wait until my contract is up in Sept. By then I can determine if all the switchers to Verizon permits AT&T network to improve. If it does not, I will move if unlimited data is still available for new iphone subscriptions at Verizon. I am not totally discouraged with AT&T at this point so I am looking forward to some improvement when the subcribers even out the strain on both networks. Also I want to see what the iphone 5 is going to be. No need to rush into an iphone 4.

Ditto, almost word for word. I have a 3GS with no significant problems, currently being used in SW Oklahoma. My original 3GS contract is up in June.

Since I jumped *from* VZ (after 15 years) to get the iPhone, my renewal won't come up for quite a while. By then I'll have heard plenty about how VZ's version, service, speed, etc. is going.

I don't spend much time (hardly any) in the DC Metro tunnels so I don't *need* to have VZ while I'm commuting or something. (currently, though "they're working on this") VZ (& maybe Sprint in some way? not sure) is the only cell provider that works all over the Metro system.

I haven't had any trouble with access or whatnot with my iPhone4, though I don't put heavy demands on it so I'm not a good "test case". I certainly haven't tried to talk & surf at the same time; I considered it "advanced" the other night when I was talking & needed to look up a contact# for the person I was talking to -- I warned him I might hang up accidentally, but all went well after all.

Our family has been with AT&T, Cingular, Houston Cellular since 1998! They have always had great service here in Houston and surrounding areas. Very few dropped calls on iPhone. We know the weak areas, so we either stay away, or get-off the phone before we get there, or drop the call when we're there.

I wouldn't buy Verizon with your money!

Not taking the bullet , I could not leave without being able simultanious use data/voice , I'm addicted to that so there's no way , I rather have a cheapo go phone if I can't email while on a call :)

yes if they offer unlimited data plan.

I don't plan on switching. Once everyone who plans on jumping ship does so, I am hoping it makes it better for the rest of us.

Also, as stated earlier by someone else, I need the roll over minutes AT&T has which Verizon doesn't have. That's a big plus.

hear, hear to the "lighten the load" thoughts. I'm happy with AT&T. My hubby has a Blackberry with Verizon and can't make or receive any calls at our house.

I also switched to AT&T because of no Verizon signal in my home. And now in my basement office I get a full AT&T signal.

No, I do not plan to switch. I was just hoping all you guys would rush to switch and lighten the load on AT&T. LOL!

I will not switch. I have been happy with AT&T since first landline in 1963.

I have att as my landline provider but they have left me with no service for the last three weeks. I have been forced to use my tethered iphone4. I wish I could change to any other provider for any phone service. I'm trapped.

I just dropped Verizon because all I ever hear is they get the best signal of all but at work people with AT&T walk around using their phones all over the place while I have to stick my head out of a door or window to get one.The only gripe i have is that last week I bought my Iphone 3gs for $105.00 and now i see that they are $49.00.

At some places it's the opposite. I see people with Verizon making calls in metro stations and me with AT&T cannot.

Are you in the DC area?

Eons ago, VZ wired the Metro on some kind of deal. There are current efforts underway to upgrade/expand to other carriers & in some stations it's already done. But VZ is the only one that works in the tunnels. This has been reported in the press so it's no secret if it ever was.

(I remember the early days of Metrorail -- even the police radios didn't work underground until they installed some kind of ?whatever? equipment.)

Yea I'm in DC area.

Call ATT & complain, maybe they'll give you a credit.

You should be able to get the difference credited if you are still within your 14 days...

I bought under same condition. Went back and got $50 back

My thoughts exactly. I think changing carriers would be the same as changing lanes at the super market. It's almost always a losing proposition. Should make an improvement on ATT when the bandwidth frees up.

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