Wednesday, June 29, 2011

iPhone, Battery drain

I am suddenly experiencing battery drain on my iPhone 4 v4.3.3 and cannot figure out why this is happening. I can go from 100% battery charge to 10% within a matter of 5 hours with no phone usage at all.

I have tried various suggestions that I found on a Google search such as Reset Network Settings, turn off App Store, closed out apps running in background. I have a couple of Location services turned on but they have been running all along with no problem.

Because of the timing what I suspect is that there is an iPhone app that was updated a couple of nights ago that may be causing the issue. My problem is that I don't really have a clue which app it may be because there were a dozen or so apps that were updated that night and I did not pay any attention to what they were.

I thought of doing a restore from a previous backup and then trying to install the app updates individually to see if I could root out a problem but all I am seeing when I selet Restore from Backup on iTunes is a backup that I did last night , 6/27 which is post app updates.

I know I did a previous backup on 6/20 but I cannot find a backup folder with that date in Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/.

So, I am looking for suggestions on

what may be draining the battery

how to find what apps were updated on 6/26

how to find the backup from 6/26

Apple iPhone batteryApple iPhone battery

Just do a restore without any backups, this way you will know if this problem is the iphone itself.

For my own experience, backups that have corrupted apps and data will remain corrupted when you use them again.

Check the battery drain for a couple of days and if OK THEN start installing your apps one at the time.


You can find out what apps were updated by going to the apps section in your iTunes library, adding a "date modified" column to the display (& putting that column next to the app names so you can see it!) and sorting on date-modified -- do it in reverse & the latest mods will show at the top. I have both a date-added & date-mod column in my app library display.

This won't tell you which app may be causing the problem but might give some clues.

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