Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Iphone 4 message tones

I was wondering how to change the text message tone to a simple beep. There doesn't seem to be any in the sound setting lists. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Apple iPhone ringtoneApple iPhone ringtone

In Settings > Sounds > Text Tone, you can choose from Tri-tone (the default, I think), Chime, Glass, Horn, Bell, and Electronic. No "beep", I know, but Bell is the shortest.


Ios 5 has about 30 new tones in addition to those and will have a tone store in iTunes (and you can make your own as we do ring tones now)


It's good to read that there will be more choice, and especially that we can make our own.


I like the glass tone... it is a simple one note tone that sounds nice. I also like the chime one.

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