Wednesday, June 8, 2011

IPhone Antenna & App pages?

Is the IPhone Antenna in the end
of the phone, top are bottom,
are a wrap around ? ?

# 2, any chance the next Gen.
IPhone my have more pages
to display App's.??

Apple iPhone appsApple iPhone

If it is a iPhone 4 then it is wrap around. but it has several antennas. Different ones for different things, cell, WiFi and BT. Read the manual.

#2, what you've got more than 1536 apps on your iphone? You know about Folders don't you. 8 pages x 16 spaces for folders per page x 12 apps per folder = 1536


Sorry, no. ELEVEN pages.

11*16*12 = 2112


Don't forget the 4 dock spaces, each of which can be a folder for an additional 48 - 2,150 is the max and I think you can still add more they just wouldn't show up…


Boy, I feel like a Hog with every
one knowing my iPhone 4
is filled with App and I'm asking
for more display App pages.

Sorry friends, it is just I keep
seeing all these neat App's
and I love those that do things
for me! I dare not tell you how
many App's I pull off the Phone
to make room for a new one. ;-}


Yes! I'm NOT the only one!!!


I have 377 Apps on my iPhone, many of which I never get around to using.


Like, I suspect, many of us, I see a reference to an app that seems like a good idea. If it's free, I install it, expecting to try it out when I've got nothing else to do. There are some I've still not tried ...

But, Keith, how many apps do you have, and are they *in folders*?


Why do you have to pull anything off?

If there aren't enough pages, the "extras" will just go in the unseen following pages & you can access them with the search.

But with folders available, you could just stash things in a lot of "look-see-later" folders & try them when you get around to it. Then if you don't want to keep them you can delete, or just move to a "maybe ditch" folder or whatnot.

My iTunes-apps library has >650 apps in it, some only work on the iPad but lots would work on phone/touch. I don't put everything on any one device but before folders came out (last year?) I'd have more than the "visible" pages allowed.

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