Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Too many songs for memory?

Apple iPhoneApple iPhoneAnybody know what will happen if I try to exceed memory capacity with too many songs on a 3G 8GB?

Will it crash or ask me to modify content? Anyone been there done that?

It won't sync will tell you that what you are trying to sync will not fit


How do you mean? iTunes checks the total when syncing and won't let you exceed the space available. It will ask you what you want to do.


When I've tried to sync "too much" to any device, the sync process pops up with a "not enough room" message; that gives you a chance to make whatever changes you want.

Check the "memory bar" on the screen as you make your choices, you can see when you're getting close & decide then what/how much to un-choose.


That will work , I just didn't want to do something I'd regret.


you don't have to wait until you sync. You can see the total in the bottom bar of the iTunes window. It totals whatever you have selected, from selected (high- lighted) tracks to playlists to the whole music library.

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