Sunday, October 31, 2010

Not Charge via Socket..

Apple iPhone - Phone not chrg via socket, drained battery, then WOULD charge connect

Last night I plugged in my iPhone (to charge it) before I went to bed. The battery was at around 40%. I use an alarm on my phone so it charges AND acts as an alarm for the next morning. This particular alarm app makes the iPhone look like a digital clock as it is propped up on your nightstand.

When I woke around 4am, I noticed the alarm was still on (as evidenced by the digital clock display on the face of the phone), but it said something about a very low battery….I think it said 5%.

I turned off the alarm and kept the phone plugged in to charge it and it wouldn't hold a charge. When I plugged in the phone, it showed the Apple battery display, with a small red slit on the "low" end of the battery display, and a lighting bolt showing it's plugged in. But even w/it plugged in, it wasn't charging it and I couldn't use the phone….it merely showed the battery display. I changed cords, I changed electrical sockets, and nothing worked.

Finally, I opened my laptop and opened iTunes. I plugged in my phone (with the cord that wouldn't charge it in the socket…a convertible charger cord) and it WORKED! Since I already had iTunes opened when I plugged in my phone, I don't know if it was the laptop or the iTunes that made it start charging. Hours later, my phone was fully charged and working perfectly.

(1) Has anyone ever had this happen?
(2) Do you know why this would happen?
(3) I made an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar (before I was able to get it working) since I thought my phone's battery was completely dead. Since it's now working, should I cancel or is there some reason they should look at my phone?

Yes, I did a hard reboot more than once.

iPhone Battery
Dead of apple iphone battery
I think that most likely either
1. The plug was not securely in the wall socket or
2. The cord was not securely in the plug or
3. The socket itself is either defective or lost power.

I assume that mean charger when they say socket. Meaning the charger maybe defective.

This *is* a possibility, but I mean the socket the charger was plugged into when I said "socket"....

On re-thinking it, if the same charger failed in different sockets, the socket is unlikely to be the problem (unless the fuse/breaker common to the sockets tried had failed).

The USB plug could be *in* the charger enough to not fall out, but perhaps not *all the way* in, making good electrical connection.

Some new laptops stop providing power on their USB ports when you close them. This is to save their battery. The sleep or hibernation mode also stops all running programs too.

Some of the chargers we've had have been faulty. That has happened to me before.

This sometimes happens to me.

I sometimes plug my iPhone into the wall plug to recharge it. It is the iPad charger. The phone does not show that it is charged (or charging) when I take it off the charger. If I reboot my phone it then shows that is fully charged. I am not sure why this happens but it does. I know the iPad charger is more powerful but still I am not sure why this happens

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