Friday, October 22, 2010


Apple - iphone breakage

Hubby dropped iphone (gentle fall, face down onto thick carpet) and the face shattered. :( SOOOOOO sad. He feels REALLY bad. We have a genius appointment in the morning and are SOOOOO hoping they help us.

iPhone Warranty
Neo Girl Apple iPhone
If they try to make you buy a new phone - don't! There are places in most major cities that will do an absolutely beautiful job of replacing the broken glass.

Usually $70 to $80 - 15 minutes while you wait. Been there - I got a clumsy daughter.

My husband did the same thing. He dropped it and the glass shattered. I have Applecare on it and it is also covered under a Personal Articles policy with State Farm. The genius bar told me that it is not covered for accidental breakage under Applecare and to turn it in on the Personal Articles policy.

They charge 99.00 to replace the glass. I just got a check from State Farm for 107.00 (they even included the tax) and am going to go have it replaced at the Apple store. Long story short, make sure your Iphones are covered under some kind of insurance policy other than Applecare. You won't be sorry!

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