Thursday, October 7, 2010

Phone thinks headphones are plugged it

Apple iPhone - Phone thinks headphones are plugged it

My wife is having a problem with her iPhone 4. It is acting as if the headphones are plugged in when they aren't. She can only hear a phone call if she has the headphones plugged in. If she removes them, she can't hear the call. She can speak and be heard, but she can't hear the person on the other side. We rebooted several times to no avail. Plugged in and unplugged the headphones several times. Made a reservation at the genius bar for tomorrow morning, but I was hoping maybe someone here had an idea.

iphone headphones
headphones apple iphone
You can try doing a Restore in iTunes but it sounds like a hardware issue unless there is a Bluetooth device that is pairing and you don't realize it...

Mine just did that yesterday. What a coincidence! In my case, it turned out to be an aluminum chip from work. (I'm a machinist) Carefully prodding it with a toothpick dislodged it for me.

This may not be the same in iPhones, but it is a pretty common problem on Palm phones.

It is often (not always, evidently) caused by a glitch in the Pandora software. Does she use Pandora, or other "radio"-type software? If so -- enter that app, and start playing something. Plug the earphones in and out -- it might take a few tries. Exit the program. See if that works -- if not, I'll look up more solutions from the Palm forums. I believe there have been several different processes needed to cure it for different Palm owners.

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