Sunday, April 17, 2011

iPhone in U.S. from Germany

Apple iPhone sim cardApple iPhoneThe Mr. Simcard was a little pricey for my little trip. I'll just be in one place for the 5 days, and don't want to call back to Germany, just want to be able to use my iPhone in the U.S. to communicate with family while I'm there. I was just hoping there was an easy answer, like there's a kiosk at the airport that sells sims. It looks like it'd be cheaper to pick up a cheap 'burner' and use the iPhone's wifi when available to check email.

You might just want to get a 1 week Wifi account with Boingo, AT&T or another carrier that allows roaming on other networks. Then just log in and do the stuff from WiFi - including phone calls through Skype. Another option which hasn't been mentioned in this thread so far is T-Mobile which also has GSM.


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