Monday, February 21, 2011

Wallpaper not showing up

Apple iPhone - Wallpaper not showing up

It seems like I used to get my wallpaper (photo) up on the screen, (iPhone 3G Ver 4.2.1), when I pressed the round button to unlock. Now all I see is the battery condition no matter which picture I choose. I did press "set" to make it my wallpaper.

What am I doing wrong? Or has this changed?

iPhone Wallpaper
Apple iPhone Wallpaper
You connected the iPhone to an external source of power - a powered case or a cable connected to a power source.

Duh! My mistake. The whole time I was trying to change the wallpaper the iPhone was plugged into my computer and on external power, (charge). As soon as I unplugged it, the photo displayed. Senior moment!


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