I listen to many podcasts, most of which I delete soon after I have listened to them. Some, however, I want to keep so that I can listen again some time in the future (such as exercise workout podcasts). To keep my podcast list manageable, I have been changing the media type from "podcast" to "audiobook".
So now these things show up under "books" in the iTunes library. Now I have to figure out how to get them to sync with my iPhone. I don't see anything to select to make them sync. Now, here's the weird part. For one podcast (GetFitPod) about half of the podcasts saved as audiobooks sync with my phone. I can't tell what is different about the ones that sync. No other audiobooks sync, not even the two real audiobooks that I purchased on iTunes (and listened to last year.)
For the iPhone device, under the "Books" tab, the only things showing are a few PDF files. At any rate, I have "all books" checked.
iPhone iTunes
- change the podcasts back to podcast from audiobook
- change the "automatically include" to all unplayed
- in your library of Podcasts and control click your collection GetFitPod, change them to Marked as Unwatched.
Until Apple makes it possible to select the automatic sync settings by collection rather than all Podcasts, I don't know of another way.
Since I don't normally rate things, I use that to make the ones to keep. Under "podcasts" I have all unplayed selected. (The few podcasts/audiobooks that do sync are marked as played.)
I do all my syncing of these things through playlists & manually manage the playlists. It's also easier to find an item in a playlist than scrolling through hundreds of podcasts or whatever!
Be sure to check-for-sync any playlists in the various genre tabs (books, tv, podcasts, etc). I don't see a title or playlist-choice in "books" for other than audiobooks (which I have a bunch of, both direct-download & ripped-from-cd).
Things you re-label as audiobook may not be being recognized (coded) as such by iTunes.
It's irrelevant to me if the particular podcast/book/video/whatever has been played -- I do re-listen to some! or for some reason want to keep it handy.
Some are part of serials that I want to keep all-of handy -- but I may re-order the playlist to have the "not done" ones at the top for convenience. :-)
I also re-order my playlists by giving them numbers in front of the titles, so the one(s) I'm currently really using are at the top of the playlist-list on the iThing screen.
When I'm "through" with one, I remove it from the *playlist* not the iTunes library. (I do need to do some library pruning, though....).
this is what I do with my podcasts......
I create playlists on my computer...and put them there. This worked for me with my nano.... and now my G3
When I sync my g3, it now shows what was listened to or not.....
I create a separate playlist that i sync....and synch only that list..when I'm finished listening to the podcasts, i delete them from there....and it doesn't remove the originals..just from the syncing playlist.
It took a lot of playing around with different option to come up with one that worked for me...good luck!
Duh! Is my face red?
That is the purpose of playlists, to keep certain items the user wants on the iDevice!
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