My iPhone 3Gs standard camera has disappeared from the main screen. I found it under something named "Utilities" that just appeared there, along with one other app named Sol Luna which tracks moon-sun rises & set.
The camera is hardly a "utility" and I have at least 10 photography apps, none of which found their way to "Utilities"
"Utilities" is just one of the default iOS folder names.
If you upgraded your iPhone 3GS to iOS 4, then you may find that when you drag one app on top of another (whether intentionally or accidentally), it will create a folder with those two apps in it, and it will name the folder something relevant. If you dragged the Camera app on top of the Sol Luna app (or vice versa), it's likely that iOS 4 created the Utilities folder for you.
You can always drag it back out of the folder.
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