Friday, July 8, 2011

iPhone, WiFi home

Can't get on home WiFi.. I pushed too many buttons, two many Times yesterday and now I can not Sign onto my home Wi Fi, because It Asked for a password, that I do Not have! Any suggestions, I am using A D-Link system.

Apple iPhone Wi FiApple iPhone Wi Fi

Do you have verizon? Comcast?

You may have to reset your router... (or find your password). Sometimes the passwords are generic (like AAAA0000) if you never set up yourself and the system does it automatically.

Good luck... it can be a frustrating process.


Connect to your D-link from your computer using the admin password and look for the connection password.


If you bought the router yourself from a regular store like Best Buy the default password will be in the manual. If you don't have the manual you can get a copy of it on the router manufacturers website.

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