Thursday, March 3, 2011

White iPhone releases

Apple iPhone - Release of the white iPhone

Hello, I just wonder if the white iPhone will ever be released I've been waiting for it since October and they kept postpone it. In December I've decided to order the black one because I've lost patient then my cousin told me to wait because it will be available in Feb for sure this time. So I said to my self since I've waited so long why not wait for a couple of months more. Today I've asked about it to know that they haven't released it yet. Will it ever be available now after all of this waiting? I wish that I've ordered the black one from the beginning and now I've decided to get the black one as I've lost every single hope that's left. What you think?

Apple iPhone
The only one to listen to about when the white iPhone will be released is Steve Jobs.

Go for a black one with white cover!!!!!

I see that there will be a white iPad but I too have lost hope on the white iPhone4.

I never waited for the white iPhone, but when I got my Mophie battery case that slips over my iPhone, I opted for the white or off-white case. I now have a white iPhone, sort of.

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