Wednesday, March 9, 2011

iOS 4.3, Personal Hotspot, iPhone 3GS

Apple iPhone - iOS 4.3, Personal Hotspot and iPhone 3GS

OK, everything I've read said the Personal Hotspot was not available with the 3GS and IOS 4.3. However when I go to settings, Network it gives me the option to setup personal hotspot. When I select it it gives me the option to contact ATT by phone call, or website to set up PHSpot. So whats the deal, is if available on the 3GS or not?

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
They specifically said in the announcement video it was for iPhone 4.

Yea,that's what confusing. I has a 3GS but I seem to have the option for personal hotspot.

To set up any sort of tethering even on an iPhone 4, you must contact AT&T. It involves a billing change.

OK found the answer

"For iPhone 3GS users personal hotspot is there and in the same top-level position, but is limited to the old-style Bluetooth and USB."

Thinking about getting a IPAD 2 wifi only and tithering to my Iphone. Wonder how well that would work

Are you talking about Wifi or non-Wifi connectivity? How would you connect the two?

With Bluetooth. Heres Apples Instructions

Should work. Data rate, and range, would be less than with Wifi connection, but not much.

I got the update & changed over to the tethering plan & used it as a mobile hotspot with my 1st gen iPad at the dr office it worked pretty well but one time it said that the signal was weak & that the web pages may load slowly but I'm happy with it

They just renamed tethering into personal hotspot.

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