Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wi fi problems

Wi fi Problems

Why is it when I go into a place that has wi fi I can click on it but
when I go there the numbers and address is not in the setup boxes ?

Is that because it's unusable?

Do you get the pop up that asks if you want to join the network, or is it
just showing up that you are hooked to the connection? (Wi-fi signal in the
bar at top?)

I just check on my own I have the ask to join Off because it burns up my battery Asking to join all the networks.

I am just curious that sometimes when I go in a place I will check to see if they have wifi and if they do Why the info isn't there

iphone wi fi
wifi iphone
Little known fact turning the "ask to join" off, does not really save on the battery, only turning WiFi off does. Turning off the "ask to join" just keeps it from popping up, the WiFi radio is still scanning constantly for networks and connecting to any that have already been joined or have the same names as those that you have joined. For instance all Linksys routers by default are have SSIDs of 'linksys' if the user of the router does not secure their router and does not change the name of the SSID and you join one network with that name then come in contact with another with the same name, your phone will automatically join it regardless of if it is a different network or not. I learned this the hard-way was I accidently used one of my neighbors while walking the dog one time then my phone was joining every network with the same default name as I was driving to and from work, I was joining and leaving a network about every 1/4 of a mile - you would be amazed at how many unsecured 'linksys' WiFi networks there ;-).

Long story longer, if you really want to save on battery life turn WiFi OFF not just the "ask to join network" option.
Or.. My guess is because you're tapping on the blue arrow before you join the network. Since you haven't joined the network yet, your iPhone does not yet have that data - it's assigned to the device when it joins the network.

Tap on the left side of the network name to join it. Then, when you have successfully joined, you can tap the blue arrow to see the network info.

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