Monday, February 9, 2009


iphone waterproof
Im headed to the beach for 2 weeks and I know water is the enemy of the iphone.I looked at several water cases. I was wondering what fine people here may have a water case they use all the time. I would like something easy to carry and something slim.

I want the ipod on the beach, i ll be in airplane calls no texts but
I want the music..
waterproof iphone
Waterproof iphone beautiful girls
Easiest way is ziplock bag to keep safe.. Ziplock bag with wire coming out top

It's not waterproof though... I know but will keep most of dirt out, you can waterproof, need 2 ziplock bags, one upside down and other opposite way, as long as you don't submerge will survive water spills and if bathroom with humidity.


Or.. The "waterproof" cases that popped up for me on a quick Google search were $30-50.

If it was just for the music I'd just buy an iPod shuffle for the same price and not worry about it that much. If you are using Windows instead of Mac you may have cheaper music player options.

A reasonably good case to keep sand out of the dock and headset jack would be the iSkin revo. The case is silicone, padding around the corners, a hard plastic screen covering and 'flaps' which coer the dock hole and earphone jack. Your buttons and such are covered too.

For your purposes, this case should give you moderate protection and not look 'fugly'


Or.. use an old style shuffle in an H2O Audio case and headphones. It worked great for about 6 months of heavy surfing and white water kayaking. It eventually got some salt water in it and you just replaced the shuffle by going on ebay. It's pretty nice toy but not for your phone until it's insurable against loss or water damaged.

:) :)

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