Friday, January 1, 2010

Trying to mms gps location

Trying to mms gps location
When I go to the gps app and drop pin. I then try to share location by mms but it says contact in the mms text box and not the location. What am I doing wrong ?

iPhone GPS
GPS location from iphone
That is correct - it sends your "location" as an Address Book entry (Url to the Google Maps and Address field as your location translated as a physical address)

I have both Yahoo and Gmail accounts set up on my phone. If I use Yahoo to send the link, I get plain text. Using Gmail, I get a URL that links to Goggle maps.'re mms to a verizon phone he gets nothing and he has gmail.. then Send it to his g-mail address from the iPhone Message app instead of his cell # - that will work

Some phones really don't show MMS from iPhones. Tried that on several other phone models. Maybe something o do with the big file size (say, photo, which you cannot resize prior to sending) Whether that's the other phone manufacturer or Apple's fault, I don't know.

But Apple's been trying to be deviant ever since. Like their bluetooth which can only connect to fellow iPhones. Make you wish it's not an iPhone in your hand.

But you just love iPhone and couldn't let go despite its numerous flaws.

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